Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It cracks me up that we're worried about Zeller's date formula and not all the amazing uses of Java that are relevant now. Why are we not parsing data, or auto wrapping data feeds in xml, and explaining why this is important. Where's the reference to the builder class (as covered in the textbook, Big Java, of which is a waste of money and irrelevant to this course). This course needs updating if it's to compete with even the likes of something at Wake Tech or for that matter making a difference in the world. Isn't hw6 the same assignments from csc114 (C++)? This course is terribly irrelevant to success in real life. Though I'll trudge on, wasting my time for that stupid 'B' grade of >=80 && < 90, I fee like we're missing the point. Oh yea, that's what college is all about, profit for the University and students jumping through hoops unprepared for the workforce. Study hard.